Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Posted by shierylssi at 5:51 PM
Just as i go through days and days more to come..i always think what makes me go through all of it.
Just as relevant as it is now, it will suddenly hit you out of nowhere..just as today, i want to cry out but for no reason at all.
I am always saying this is just a phase...i know what makes strong and better but it still creeps once in a while..
Like i want to go out, ride on a rolletcoaster scream my heart out hoping it will go away..
Seriously, i am not problematic as you prob think i am..My family is healthy-couldn"t ask for more..just got a regular job, i eat well and can buy what i want, travel.frequently, has a good relationship.with my boss and co workers and i have friends too...
I just..i just..i just...don't understand


only pakistan said...
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